Master Folta is a fantastic teacher that really cares about his students' progress and their wellbeing, and is very enthusiastic about imparting authentic traditional Uechi-ryu karate from Okinawa, Japan to every person that comes to train.

I started my Uechi Ryu Karate training in Okinawa and am now continuing under Sensei Nestor Folta. The training he gives is exactly the same as I received when I trained in Japan; challenging, powerful, effective, and authentic. True to its Okinawan roots.

I have studied martial arts off and on since I was in elementary school, and I eventually reached 2nd degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do before leaving that school in part due to poor instruction at the upper ranks. Through all those experiences, I had learned to quickly distinguish a great instructor from a poor one and a great school from a poor one. I had a mental list of criteria for what defined a great school, and Master Folta's Academy exceeds all of them:
1) Quality of instruction - Does the instructor notice and correct minor and seemingly innocuous errors in technique. Not only does Master Folta do this, but he teaches his students to see things for themselves.
2) Ranks are earned, not given away - Under Master Folta, one does not gain a rank by going to a certain number of classes or being at the school for so much time. Master has clear requirements for each rank, and one must demonstrate those requirements in front of a test board before being promoted. It is a tremendous source boost of self-esteem when one receives a rank that one has truly earned.
3) Values - This is more than just promising to use karate only for self defense. It is about learning to set and meet goals, developing character, and improving one's health and well-being. Indeed, Master Folta will insist that when one is doing these things, one is practicing Karate.
4) Culture - I sincerely believe that one can not truly study martial arts without learning about the culture from which it came. Master Folta has been amazing at sharing Okinawan culture with his students, and his students enjoy rich cultural experiences that few other Karate students get to enjoy. The opening of the Okinawa Cultural Center furthers connection between his students, Okinawan Culture, and the the Okinawan community in the DC area. Master Folta organizes gatherings to celebrate traditional Okinawan festivals, such as his recent "bonenkai" or "forget the year" gathering.
6) Heritage - A teacher's bona fides are always important, and Master Folta learned from Uechi Kanei Sensei, the son of the founder of Uechi Ryu. Master Folta's training comes from the very origin and heart of the style, and he works hard to adhere to the traditional Karate as practiced in Japan. Master Folta maintains close relations with the Uechi family to this day.
6) Family - Do students just show up to class, or is there something more? Master Folta encourages his students to be part of something larger than just the class. Students become close friends. We have a group that goes out regularly after evening classes for fellowship and fun. Most rewarding is that I have seen students grow up and have been invited to their weddings.
My son? He graduated high school, went off to college, and then off to chase his fortune. He eventually moved back to the area a couple years ago, and he went back to study with Master Folta. Even after all these years, I am blessed to be able to take classes with my son.

If you are looking for a traditional, authentic, good karate school, this is where you should be.

I first met Master Folta in 2006 and was lucky to have learned from him and his skillful team of senior students. Those lessons have stayed with me to this day. I highly recommend the Okinawa Karate and Cultural Center and the study of Uechi Ryu to anyone who has ever considered learning Karate.

This school is a welcoming community filled with many inspiring and amazing people, and I'm forever appreciative of the opportunities and experiences that I've been able to have thanks to Master Folta.

Master Folta is more than a dedicated practitioners of traditional Okinawa Karate. He is an accomplished competitor and instructor. His school is a great family environment where he and his wifes detailed approach is noticeable at every turn. His cultural center and course offerings are more than just martial arts and is an excellent place to learn the culture (music and dance) of Okinawa.