Remember, there's no need to be hard on yourself. You're already doing great, just as you are.
Remember, patience is key, and so is giving yourself time. All new students face the challenge of our curriculum. But a little practice outside the classroom can make a significant difference. Consider jotting down a few notes after class to help you remember what you want to practice. And don't forget to take advantage of the training videos on our website. This way, you'll find the curriculum becoming more familiar and comfortable in no time.
It's natural to feel a bit unsure when you're new to something. Most people are not used to touching someone else or having someone else touch them. Applying pressure to muscles, bones, and joints is equally challenging whether you deliver or receive the pressure. But you're on the right track. You're correct in thinking it is better to be softer than exerting excessive pressure that could injure someone. In time, with practice and guidance, you will feel right and know when the pressure is comfortable for you and your training partners. Trust the process, and trust yourself.
Remember, you're not alone in this journey. You fit in perfectly with the other students in class. We're all in the same boat, working together to stay afloat. What we do is challenging, it tests our minds, and it's rewarding. Just attempting something difficult takes courage. And because traditional karate is difficult, it fills us with pride when we succeed. So, relax and enjoy your interactions with the others in class. It's these interactions that make it fun and allow them to enjoy their interactions with you.